произведение Some Say, исполняет Sum 41. слушайте и качайте нахаляву в mp3 на нашем сайте!

Some  Say - Sum 41
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Произведение: Some Say

Оцените песню: 0

Текст песни увидели: 561

Музыкант: Sum 41

Дата добавки: 2015-05-02

Длительность mp3 песни: 03:26

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Другие произведения музыканта Sum 41
Текст песни:

Some say we're never meant to grow up
I'm sure they never knew enough
I know the pressures won't go away
It's too late

Find out the difference somehow
It's too late to even have faith
Don't think things will ever change
You must be dreaming

Think before you make up your mind
You don't seem to realize
I can do this on my own
And if I fall I'll take it all
It's so easy after all

Believe me 'cause now's the time to try
Don't wait, the chance will pass you by
Time's up to figure it out

You can't say it's too late

Seems like everything we knew
Turned out were never even true
Don't trust, things will never change
You must be dreaming

Think before you make up your mind
You don't seem to realize
I can do this on my own
And if I fall I'll take it all
It's so easy after all

Some say we're better off without
Knowing what life is all about
I'm sure they'll never realize the way
It's too late

Somehow it's different everyday
In some ways it never fades away
Seems like it's never gonna change
I must be dreaming

Think before you make up your mind
You don't seem to realize
I can do this on my own
Think before you make up your mind
You don't seem to realize
I can do this on my own
And if I fall I'll take it all
It's so easy after all

Believe me, it's alright
It's so easy after all
Believe me, it's alright
It's so easy after all♡

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