произведение Dreaming, исполняет SOAD. слушайте и качайте нахаляву в mp3 на нашем сайте!

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Произведение: Dreaming

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Текст песни увидели: 665

Музыкант: SOAD

Дата добавки: 2014-10-10

Длительность mp3 песни: 03:59

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Текст песни:

For today we will take the body parts and put them on the wall

For treated indigenously, digenously
Human right is private blue chip, pry

We're the prophetic generation of bottled water, bottled water
Causing poor populations to die, to die, to die (For treated
indigenously, digenously) (Human right is private blue chip, pry)

You, you went beyond and you lost it all Why did you go there From
beyond you saw it all why did you

We lost consumer confidence in casual karma, casual karma
Confetti, camouflage, camouflage, the flage, the flage
(For treated indigenously, digenously)
(Human right is private blue chip, pry)

We're the prophetic generation of bottled water, bottled water
Causing poor populations to die, to die, to die

(For treated indigenously, digenously)
(Human right is private blue chip, pry)

You, you went beyond and you lost it all Why did you go there From
beyond you saw it all why did you go there

She lost her mind
Someone kicked her into the back of the line

She lost her head
When they called and they said that they thought he was dead

Dreaming of screaming
Someone kick me out of my mind
I hate these thoughts I can't deny
Dreaming of screaming
Someone kick me out of my mind
I hate these thoughts I can't de--

We lost consumer confidence in casual karma, casual karma
Confetti, camouflage, camouflage, the flage, the flage (For treated
indigenously, digenously) (Human right is private blue chip, pry)

We're the prophetic generation of bottled water, bottled water
Causing poor populations to die, to die, to die

(For treated indigenously, digenously)
(Human right is private blue chip, pry)

You, you went beyond and you lost it all Why did you go there From
beyond you saw it all why did you

Dreaming of screaming
Someone kick me out of my mind
I hate these thoughts I can't deny

Dreaming of screaming
Someone kick me out of my mind
I hate these thoughts I can't deny

You will take the body parts and put them up on the wall And bring the
dark disaster

System of a Down - Dreaming Lyrics
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