произведение Shine On, исполняет RIO. слушайте и качайте нахаляву в mp3 на нашем сайте!

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Произведение: Shine On

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Текст песни увидели: 467

Музыкант: RIO

Дата добавки: 2014-09-14

Длительность mp3 песни: 03:41

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Текст песни:

Open up your eyes, an’ watch the sunrise
One point may overmake clear
Love are gonna spread round the world and all

Me love ya comes out of the ocean
To rule ya and spread to the world
In drenched town I’m on my mission
where we praise that day, prate away. Alienation!

Let me be the love that comes from the sun,
Let me be your rainbow rising up,
Everything go raise, out of space,
We'll shine on, shine on
Let me be the love that comes from the sun,
I wanna be your love light from above,
shine on, shine on, shine on.

Me love ya comes out of the ocean (where we come off an’ come from)
To rule ya (an’) spread to the world (all over the world yeah)
In drenched town I’m on my mission (uh yeah),
where we praise that day, prate away. Alienation!
(everybody listen now)

Let me be the love that comes from the sun,
Let me be your rainbow rising up,
Everything go raise, out of space,
We'll shine on, shine on.
Let me be the love that comes from the sun,
I wanna be your love light from above,
shine on, shine on, shine on.
(all over the world)

Let the sun shine down upon your face,
No need feel wrong - you’re not in right place
And me know that you feel. What we are gonna tell your lone soul?
Get out all your friends alone and come join me another club Kaesong
I’m gonna move you, so prove you right, feelin’ tonight love

Let me be the love that comes from the sun,
Let me be your rainbow rising up,
Everything go raise, out of space,
We'll shine on, shine on.
Let me be the love that comes from the sun,
I wanna be your love light from above,
shine on, shine on, shine on.
(all over the world).

R.I.O. - Shine On (Official Video HD)
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