произведение A Cold Day In Hell, исполняет Parkway Drive. слушайте и качайте нахаляву в mp3 на нашем сайте!

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Произведение: A Cold Day In Hell

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Текст песни увидели: 532

Музыкант: Parkway Drive

Дата добавки: 2014-10-23

Длительность mp3 песни: 04:01

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Текст песни:

And step forward.
I will separate myself from you.
I will walk this line unassisted and undeterred.
Sever the strings.
I’ll cast aside your focus shifted too much for me to not question.
Your sincerity.
To manufacture misery.
Everything you ever wanted.
Everything you ever knew.
Everything yo ever lust for will be taken from you.
Your reflection.
Ghost of a beauty queen.
Plagued with fashion.
And stain our mouths with worthless deception.
You’re a plastic perfection.
We’ll burn you to the ground.
Everything you ever wanted.
Everything you ever knew.
Everything you ever lust for will be taken from you.
Everything you ever knew.
Everything you ever lust for will be taken from your heart.
When did this all become so meaningless?
As to your second skin.
Now the wolves become nothing more that sheep.
We set flame these apathetic trends.
Set flame the paths that have led us astray for to long.
Set flame the paths that have led us astray for the last time.
All bets are off.
I’ll watch the heartless burn.
Tomorrow dawn will be alight with our burning bridges.
All bets are off.
I’ll watch the heartless burn.
Tomorrow dawn will be alight through seasons change I’ve watched you waste away.
Shed your skin and become.
Reach inside your chest and remove what’s left of your blackened heart.
Through the seasons change I’ve watched you waste away.
And become one with the damned.
You lust for.
Reach inside your chest and remove what’s left of your blackened heart with distain.

Parkway Drive - A Cold Day In Hell [HD]
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