произведение Relax старенькая тоже песня)))))), исполняет Mika. слушайте и качайте нахаляву в mp3 на нашем сайте!

Специально для вас мы подготовили песню Relax старенькая тоже песня)))))) от музыканта Mika. Здесь есть всё, что вам нужно: текст песни на русском, английском или другом, родном языке. Хороший плеер для прослушивания прямо на сайте. Кнопочка скачать позволит вам загрузить файл себе на компьютер. Ну и обязательно посмотрите видео с песней Relax старенькая тоже песня)))))) - оно весьма интересное.

Произведение: Relax старенькая тоже песня))))))

Оцените песню: 0

Текст песни увидели: 429

Музыкант: Mika

Дата добавки: 2014-10-02

Длительность mp3 песни: 03:44

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Другие произведения музыканта Mika
Текст песни:

Took a right to the end of the line
Where no one ever goes.
Ended up on a broken train with nobody I know.
But the pain and the longings the same.
Where the dying
Now I’m lost and I’m screaming for help.

Relax, take it easy
For there is nothing that we can do.
Relax, take it easy
Blame it on me or blame it on you.

It’s as if I’m scared.
It’s as if I’m terrified.
It’s as if I scared.
It’s as if I’m playing with fire.
It’s as if I’m terrified.
Are you scared?
Are we playing with fire?

There is an answer to the darkest times.
It’s clear we don’t understand but the last thing on my mind
Is to leave you.
I believe that we’re in this together.
Don’t scream – there are so many roads left.

Relax, take it easy
For there is nothing that we can do.
Relax, take it easy
Blame it on me or blame it on you.

Relax, take it easy
For there is nothing that we can do.
Relax, take it easy
Blame it on me or blame it on you.

Relax, take it easy
For there is nothing that we can do.
Relax, take it easy
Blame it on me or blame it on you.

Relax, take it easy
For there is nothing that we can do.
Relax, take it easy
Blame it on me or blame it on you.

It’s as if I’m scared.
It’s as if I’m terrified.
It’s as if I scared.
It’s as if I’m playing with fire.
It’s as if I’m terrified.
Are you scared?
Are we playing with fire?


MIKA - Boum Boum Boum (video lyrics)
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