произведение A Moment With you, исполняет George Michael. слушайте и качайте нахаляву в mp3 на нашем сайте!

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Произведение: A Moment With you

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Текст песни увидели: 595

Музыкант: George Michael

Дата добавки: 2015-01-13

Длительность mp3 песни: 05:42

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Другие произведения музыканта George Michael
Текст песни:

(You Can't Keep Holding It In When It's Something Good)

Hey this won't take much time
We won't touch, we'll just wait for signs
And nothing was further from my mind
Than this moment with you

But if you'd only told me baby
I would have made some other plans
If i'd only seen it sooner
But what away with your hands you had
I wanted that moment with you

I know that its wrung
But "if you need me, i'm here", turns me on
I can't help thinking its a miracle you're here
I can't help thinking its a miracle

Say, you don't waste much time
We don't touch, do we baby?
But still my hands are tied
For that moment with you

But if you'd only told me baby
I would have made some other plans
If i'd only seen it sooner
But what a way with your hands you have
I wanted that moment with you

You know that i'm strong
And i've no reason to fear, am i wrong?
I can't help thinking it's a miracle you're here
I can't help thinking it's a miracle
I can't help thinking it's american
I can't help thinking it's a miracle
I can't help thinking it's a miracle you're here

You can't keep holding it in when it's something good
Get up, get up
You can't keep holding it in when it's something good
Get up,get up

And who can you trust? Dealing out justice
With a minimum of fuss
Who baby
Dealing out justice. . .

george michael - a moment with you HQ
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