произведение Intro This Love You, исполняет Eyes Set To Kill. слушайте и качайте нахаляву в mp3 на нашем сайте!

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Произведение: Intro This Love You

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Музыкант: Eyes Set To Kill

Дата добавки: 2014-10-13

Длительность mp3 песни: 05:44

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Текст песни:

Choking on your fear, you no longer see so clearly.

This love that never lasts, is love that fools so easily. (Choking on your fear)
It's anger deep inside, it's anger deep inside of me. (you no longer see so clearly)
It's empty words that ring, empty words don’t mean a thing. (Choking on your fear)
This love that leaves so fast, is love that comes so easily. (you no longer see so clearly)

This love that leaves so fast, is love that fools so easily.
This love that leaves so fast, is love that comes so easily.
This love that leaves so fast, is love that fools so easily.
This love that leaves so fast, is love that comes so easily.
Blackoout memories of you
Ill take Slowly I shall take
I will Ill slice you open
Ill steal back my love
Revenge is running through my body
(this love you breathe)
So fast racing against my heartbeat
(this love you breathe)
Escaping letting my tention free
(this love you breathe)
Sent of your blood smells so sweet
Your lungs will swell till you choking on your fear
Your lungs they'll swell till your choking
Trade me my love for this heart I pray upon
Trade me my heart for this heart I pray upon
Blackout memories of you
Ill take all life from you
Ill slice you open so you feel the pain from you
Ill slice you open and steal back my love from you
Steal back my love
This Love you breathe

This Love You Breathe- Eyes Set To Kill (Full Lyrics with intro)
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