произведение Outta My System, исполняет Bow Wow ft. T-Pain. слушайте и качайте нахаляву в mp3 на нашем сайте!

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Произведение: Outta My System

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Музыкант: Bow Wow ft. T-Pain

Дата добавки: 2014-10-23

Длительность mp3 песни: 03:58

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Другие произведения музыканта Bow Wow ft. T-Pain
Текст песни:

"Outta My System"
(feat. T-Pain)


Bow Wow - speaking

I Just keep thinking about you (oh Baby)
I mean I wanna move on but I can't move on (oh)
It's like you have some kind of hold on me and I don't Know (oh oh oh oh)
But I'mma go ahead and talk about it

Verse 1

I'm sitting looking out the window like damn
Tryna fix this situation that's at hand
You still running through my mind when I'm knowing that you shouldn't be,
Me all on yo mind and I'm knowing that it couldn't be
Cause you ain't call and I ain't even appalled
I still got a lot of pain I ain't dealt wit it all
I been running round with other chicks, I'm single and they loving it, I'm liking it but I just want the
one that I was in love with.
That's not the end of it, I'm tryna let you go I can't,
Get a grip of it is what I'm tryna let you know.
You got a hold or some kind of control of me
I don't know what it is, but I gotta get you gone from me
I'm working at it and it ain't getting no better just tryna be like, yeah, forget it, whatever Instead
of staring out this glass looking at this bad weather, damn I gotta pull myself together

Chorus - T-Pain

When I'm with somebody, all I think bout is you
When I'm all alone, that's all I wanna do
I miss the smiling faces in my sidekick,
Outta town visits, all the time we spent together makes it hard
to get you outta my system.
You know what you do to me (do to me)
You don't even understand (damn)
You know what you do to me (do to me)
It's so hard to get you outta my system.

Verse 2

I'm too attached, my heart won't let me fall back
I got it bad, that's what you can call that (ah)
When I see you in the streets, that's the worse for me
Used to love the little things you did, that's what works for me
It's too major, don't see you on my pager,
Know what you doing, where you at, or can I see you later? (Can I see you later?)
The fellas telling me 'just let her go Bow', believe me, I'm trying man, I just don't know how
(Just don't know how)
I be in all the top spots, leaving with the hot shots, knowing they just want me cause I'm in the top spot
That's not poppin and my brain ain't stopping, thinking
Who she with, or where she going, is she club hopping?
I never had this kind of problem in my life, this is my first time dealing with this kind of fight
It's every night and every flight and every time you in my sight,
Damn this ain't even right, cause...

Chorus - T-Pain

When I'm with somebody, all I think bout is you (yeah)
When I'm all alone, that's all I wanna do (yeah)
I miss the smiling faces in my sidekick,
Outta town visits, all the time we spent together makes it hard
to get you outta my system. (oh)
You know what you do to me (do to me)
You don't even understand (damn)
You know what you do to me (do to me)
It's so hard to get you outta my system.

Hook - Bow Wow

Is it wrong for me to feel this way, you been running through my mind all day
Can you feel me?
I been tryna get you off my mind, but I cant after all this time
That's what kills me
Is it wrong for me to feel this way, you been running through my mind all day
Can you feel me?
I been tryna get you off my mind, but I cant after all this time
And it kills me

Chorus - T-Pain

When I'm with somebody, all I think bout is you
When I'm all alone, that's all I wanna do
I miss the smiling faces in my sidekick,
Outta town visits, all the time we spent together makes it hard
to get you outta my system. (Hard to get you out)
You know what you do to me (do to me)
You don't even understand (damn)
You know what you do to me (do

Bow Wow - Outta My System
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