произведение Falling For You, исполняет Smokie - Strangers In Paradise 1982. слушайте и качайте нахаляву в mp3 на нашем сайте!

Falling For You - Smokie - Strangers In Paradise 1982
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Произведение: Falling For You

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Музыкант: Smokie - Strangers In Paradise 1982

Дата добавки: 2015-03-15

Длительность mp3 песни: 03:50

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Другие произведения музыканта Smokie - Strangers In Paradise 1982
Текст песни:

Well you gave me words of wisdom on that starry summer night,
When you said you had another, when you said he held you tight.
But I didn’t let you know it, cause I know it wasn’t right,
But I think I’m going crazy, cause I’m looking for a fight.
Yes, I know you had some problems with your troubles and ideals,
But I never had the chance to show you just the way I feel,
But a life without a heart and soul it surely can’t be real
And I’m facing slaughter now and then, it’s not the best of deals
And I’m falling for you,
Yes! I’m falling for you,
I don’t care about the others who say that life’s a dream,
I’m just a man who understands the way the story ends,
Guess I’m falling for you,
Whatever you may do,
It’s not the best of friends in need,
It’s love for life it’s not just greed
And I - the one who’s got it wrong
And you - the one that sounds so strong.
Well I never had a problem in my life before today
And the more I seem to check it out, the less I got to say.
I’m the one who’s in the middle without his piece of mind,
I just can’t seem to work it out and leave it all behind.
And then I’m falling for you,
Yes! I’m falling for you,
Well I don’t care about the others who say that life’s a dream,
I’m just a man who understands the way the story ends.
Yes! I’m falling for you,
Whatever you may do,
It’s not the best of friends in need,
It’s love for life it’s not just greed
Am I the one who’s got it wrong?
Are you the one who sounds so strong?

{falling for you…}
Got to tell you…
{falling for you…}

Smokie - Now it's too late
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