произведение I Can Wait Forever, исполняет Simple Plan. слушайте и качайте нахаляву в mp3 на нашем сайте!

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Произведение: I Can Wait Forever

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Текст песни увидели: 551

Музыкант: Simple Plan

Дата добавки: 2014-10-12

Длительность mp3 песни: 04:54

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Текст песни:

You look so beautiful today
When you're sitting there it's hard for me to look away
So i try to find the words that i could say
I know distance doesn't matter
But you feel so far away
And I can't lie
Every time I leave
My heart turns gray
And I want to come back home
To see your face
And I
Cause I just cant take it

Another day without you with me
Is like a blade
That cuts right through me
But I can wait
I can wait forever
When you call
My heart stops beating
When you're gone it wont stop bleeding
But I can wait
I can wait forever

You look so beautiful today
It's like every time I turn around I see your face
The thing I miss the most
Is waking up next to you
When I look into your eyes, I wish that I could stay
And I cant lie
Every time I leave my heart turns gray
And I want to come back home to see your face
And I, cause I just cant take it

Another day without you with me
Is like a blade
That cuts right through me
But I can wait
I can wait forever
When you call
My heart stops beating
When you're gone it wont stop bleeding
But I can wait
I can wait forever

I know it feels like forever
I guess that's just
The price I gotta pay
But when I come back home to feel your touch
Makes it better
Till that day there's nothing else that I can do
And I just cant take it, I just cant take it

Another day without you with me
Is like a blade
That cuts right through me
But I can wait
I can wait forever
When you call
My heart stops beating
When you're gone it wont stop bleeding
But I can wait
I can wait forever

I Can Wait Forever - Simple Plan (with lyrics)
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