произведение The Family Disease, исполняет Oceana. слушайте и качайте нахаляву в mp3 на нашем сайте!

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Произведение: The Family Disease

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Текст песни увидели: 654

Музыкант: Oceana

Дата добавки: 2014-08-06

Длительность mp3 песни: 03:48

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Другие произведения музыканта Oceana
Текст песни:

I'll vomit illusions,
Trick myself that i'm happy,
But so much comes out of my mouth it's burning me empty.

I think my heart could receive it,
Cheap imposter where you heading,
Thank you my love would you believe me,
Thank you my love would you be listening.
But so much comes out of my mouth it's burning me empty.

Feel me my anger's gone,
I don't breathe i only have a son,
It's not me (it's not me-e-e)
I'm not real, I Was never born.

I am forever alive,
I hook my heart to my eyes,
I reach from birth just to die,
I keep the devil inside i grow him in me.

I think my heart could receive it,
Cheap imposter where you heading,
Thank you my love would you believe me,
Thank you my love would you be listening.
But so much comes out of my mouth it's burning me empty.

Feel me my anger's gone,
I don't breathe i only have a son,
It's not me (it's not me-e-e)
I'm not real, I Was never born.

I watched you choke on me,
You leave me unbalanced,
You come back to break them.

Feel me my anger's gone,
I don't breathe i only have a son,
It's not me (it's not me-e-e)
I'm not real, I Was never born.


Oceana - The Family Disease (Video)
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