произведение Angels Crying, исполняет Е-тайп. слушайте и качайте нахаляву в mp3 на нашем сайте!

Angels Crying - Е-тайп
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Произведение: Angels Crying

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Текст песни увидели: 630

Музыкант: Е-тайп

Дата добавки: 2015-03-18

Длительность mp3 песни: 03:50

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Другие произведения музыканта Е-тайп
Текст песни:

Come follow me

I've got all systems going nothing standing in my way
I should be far down the road but I'm not
Something's holding me back like a wild boar attack
and I've got you by my side but you're not

Do you remember when we thought there was no end
a shooting star around the sky
Do you remember when you were from heaven sent
how far the wind could make me fly

Angel's crying, when you're far away from me
Always trying, I will make you see
Angel's crying, (the angels cry), when you're far away from me
No denying, (there's no deny), we were meant to be

I tumbled from the sky where I was soaring so high
never thought that I could fall back to the ground
Somewhere along the ride I found that we can't stop the tide
it's time for me to buy another round

Do you remember when we thought there was no end
a shooting star around the sky
Do you remember when you were from heaven sent
how far the wind could make me fly

Angel's crying, when you're far away from me
Always trying, I will make you see
Angel's crying, (the angels cry), when you're far away from me
No denying, (there's no deny), we were meant to be

Angels are crying

Angels are crying

Angels are crying


I've got all systems going nothing standing in my way
I should be far down the road but I'm not
Something's holding me back like a wild boar attack
and I've got you by my side but you're not

Angel's crying, (the angels cry), when you're far away from me
Always trying, (I always try), I will make you see
Angel's crying, (the angels cry), when you're far away from me
No denying, (there's no deny), we were meant to be

Angels Crying - E-Type
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