произведение A Shot In The Dark, исполняет A Day To Remember. слушайте и качайте нахаляву в mp3 на нашем сайте!

A Shot In The Dark - A Day To Remember
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Произведение: A Shot In The Dark

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Музыкант: A Day To Remember

Дата добавки: 2015-03-15

Длительность mp3 песни: 03:52

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Другие произведения музыканта A Day To Remember
Текст песни:


Lets take them back to the days,
when we were family.
My breath was your breath when we were young.
I think it's funny how the times have changed,
throw being jealous in the mix
and now all I know of you is a name,
Couldn't have came at a better time.
This ends right now!

We gave all of ourselves
to entertain you,
Were only hurting us.

We gave all of ourselves
to entertain you,
Were only hurting ourselves.

I'm a god amongst the ants and your girlfriends,
and you act like you don't even know.
It's cause you haven't been here for too long.
I called this right from the start.
I turn my back for one second
now all I hear is a shot in the dark,
Use my name like you know me.
You're all the same.

Keep running your mouth!
Keep running your mouth!


We gave all of ourselves
to entertain you,
Were only hurting us.

We gave all of ourselves
to entertain you,
Were only hurting ourselves.

Hurting ourselves.

Mark my words, were taking over the world.

A Day To Remember - A Shot In The Dark
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